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We bring great people to great organizations


In Spring Lifescience we are a specialists dedicated to a wide range of sub-sectors – pharmaceuticals, medical devices, diagnostics, biotech, clinical research, consultancies and service providers.

If you are interested in a new job related to one of the sectors, you are more than welcome to contact us. Our professional recruiters will guide you and present the most suitable offers for you.

We are proud to have a wide experience in specialist, executive, international, regional and country-level management roles:

  • Medical Science Liaison
  • Medical Advisor
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Market Access
  • Quality Assurance
  • Pharmacovigilance
  • Pharmaceutical Development Manager / Pharmaceutical Technical Manager
  • Application Specialist / R&D Manager
  • Clinical Trials (CRA, CTA, Clinical Lead)
  • Health, safety and environmental (HSE) Manager
  • and others