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Sales & Marketing

Our Sales & Marketing consultants specialize in placing mid-level and higher position candidates in a variety of areas, cross industries including Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices, FMCG, Retail, Industrial, Services, E-commerce, New Media and many other.

We are not only a professional recruiters and consultant but also a counselor for all of our candidates. We care to match together candidates with the most suitable job offer for them to fulfill their potential.

Spring Professional Sales & Marketing consultants are experts in Sales & Marketing recruitment in Poland and have years of experience in filling Sales, Strategy, and Development types of positions:

  • Business Development Specialist
  • Solution Architect
  • Brand Manager
  • Sales Director
  • Specialty Sales Representative
  • Key Account Manager
  • Territory Manager
  • Sales Vice President
  • Marketing & PR Manager
  • Trade Marketing Manager
  • and others