After two years of preparations a new company specialising in permanent recruitment is starting operations in Poland.
The firm focuses on six specialisations while its consultants, in addition to their expertise in specificities of individual industries and recruitment know-how, think outside the box when seeking specialists in the labour market.
Additionally, being a member of Adecco Group, the company intends to use the group’s international experience. A team of top-class consultants and international experience make up Spring Professional Poland’s recipe for success.
“We are experts in bringing specialists and professionals together. Our ambition is to become Poland’s leader in permanent recruitment. We have been preparing for this for several years in Poland, and slightly longer in the world and we know we have the right team and know-how to achieve our goal”, says Michał Gołgowski, General Manager of Spring Professional Poland.
The labour market is rapidly changing and this is also happening in the area of recruitment services and HR solutions. Spring Professional consultants, in addition to their recruitment experience and being sales-oriented, are also specialists in individual industries. This is a proven model implemented by companies all over the world. In Poland Spring Professional focuses on six specialisations: finance, sales and marketing, engineering, real estate and construction, logistics and pharmacy. An additional factor that gives the company’s a competitive edge is the creativity of its consultants and their ability to think outside the box when seeking candidates. Now the company has dedicated offices in five Polish cities: Warsaw, Katowice, Poznań, Wrocław and Gdańsk.
“Finding a Client is not the biggest problem today. The real challenge is to find the right candidate within the required time. Our proven recruitment model brings successful results to our Clients – and we are rewarded for those results. In two years’ time our Adecco team working on recruitment for permanent jobs was converted into Spring Professional and increased the number of consultants by nearly four times. We are continuously looking for new people to join our team. This shows the dynamics of the permanent work market and our development”, adds Michal Gołgowski.
Spring Professional Poland is a member of Adecco Group. World’s first Spring Professional branches were opened in Hong Kong and Singapore in 2013. Now the firm has a total of 16 branches, including Poland. The company declares to have 29 branches all over the world by 2018. Last year Spring recruited over 36,000 specialists for its clients.
For extra information, please, contact:
Krzysztof Zajkowski
Spring Professional Poland
Phone no.: 22 376 09 28, Email:
Adam Sanocki
Attention Marketing
Phone no.: 605 561 861, Email: