The latest payroll report prepared by Spring Professional shows that it’s an employee’s market in almost all industries, though this is felt most strongly in IT and new technologies.
“It’s an employee’s market in Poland, and that’s a fact. Even at a rate of 10.3 percent the pressure to raise payrolls could be felt. Now, with unemployment at a level of 8.2 percent, the lowest in a quarter century, that pressure is getting stronger, and the labour market is hungry for specialists,” explains Michał Gołgowski, Managing Director of Spring Professional.
The latest report on remuneration published by Spring Professional gives an overall view of the labour market and examines new trends affecting the condition of that market. In the publication, experts observe and comment on such industries as finance, sales and marketing, real estate and construction, production, logistics, pharmaceuticals and IT.
Spring Professional experts agree that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find competent employees, while raising salaries is gradually becoming insufficient as a means of attracting and keeping talented people.
War for talent Money is no longer enough
“In the IT industry, remuneration is already beginning to recede into the background because every company is offering high salaries,” says Bartosz Hojnacki, an IT recruitment specialist at Spring Professional. “The factor that’s increasingly decisive in accepting a job is the possibility to develop, for example by working on an interesting project. Non-payroll benefits also count, such as language courses or financing post-graduate studies,” our expert explains.
Things are similar in other industries, including because of the transformations just beginning thanks to new technologies.
“Healthcare facilities are becoming automated, and the telemedicine sector is growing fast,” points out Ewelina Malko, a team leader responsible for recruitment in the pharmaceutical industry. “Our information shows that companies are willing to go over budget as they wrestle over competent candidates. Many such candidates have a chance to land a managerial position at the international level.”
It’s also an ‘employee’s market’ in the logistics sector
“Definitely, in the TSL industry we can say it’s an employee’s market,” explains Piotr Rejnowicz, a consultant responsible for recruiting logistics specialists. “Candidates look at a company’s brand, and personal preferences count, as do recommendations from people they know. The significance of location is also on the rise. A company’s advantage may simply be having a location that saves commuting time.”
In turn, the construction industry is growing fast in the private sector, but is suffering from a slowdown in infrastructure investments.
“Given the long-term trends, there’s been an increase in the need for staff on the residential real estate market. They need everyone from salespeople to engineers,” says Joanna Kowalczyk, a team leader in the Proper and Construction Department. “It’s a challenge to find people with specialised knowledge in a given sector, and increasingly, you just have to lure them away from your competitors.”
Employers at the threshold of change
The report contains precise data on remuneration in various sector, together with information on highest, average, and lowest salaries. In the publication, experts also share their experience with assessment centres and the role they play in searching for talented employees.
“Paradoxically, the employee’s market is also beneficial for employers,” comments Michał Gołgowski. “The lack of cheap labour means that companies are investing in new technologies and holding on to the specialists that already work for them. Both such investments will yield a return soon,” our expert summarises.
A full version of the report can be downloaded from the website of Spring Professional:
The Adecco Group w Polsce i na świecie
The Adecco Group, które działa w Polsce od 1994 roku, jest światowym liderem dostarczającym kompleksowe rozwiązania z zakresu zarządzania kapitałem ludzkim oraz przekształcającym świat pracy dzięki talentowi
i technologii. Każdego roku The Adecco Group zapewnia pracę oraz możliwość rozwoju zawodowego dla ponad 62 tysięcy ludzi w Polsce oraz ponad 700 tysięcy na całym świecie.
The Adecco Group w Polsce reprezentują trzy wyspecjalizowane marki:
Adecco jest sztandarową marką The Adecco Group oferującą rozwiązania z zakresu pracy tymczasowej, rekrutacji stałych, outsourcingu funkcji zarządzania personelem, onsite, outplacementu, field marketingu, adjust (optymalizacja kosztów personalnych firmy) oraz consultingu HR. |
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Spring Professional to lider profesjonalnych rekrutacji w obszarach Engineering, Finance, Sales & Marketing, Property & Construction, Supply Chain & Logistics, Lifescience oraz IT. Specjalizuje się w rekrutacji ekspertów, kierowników, kadry menedżerskiej średniego i wyższego szczebla oraz projektach AC/DC. |
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Modis jest globalnym dostawcą usług rekrutacyjnych, outsourcingu personelu (IT Contracting) oraz usług zarządzanych (Managed Services Provider) dla działów IT różnych sektorów. Obsługuje kilkaset kategorii zatrudnienia w branży IT obejmujących konkretne zestawy umiejętności, języki programowania czy technologie. |
Dodatkowych informacji udzielają:
The Adecco Group jest firmą z listy Fortune Global 500 (znajduje się także na liście 500 największych firm
w Polsce dziennika Rzeczpospolita), z siedzibą w Zurychu w Szwajcarii, notowaniami na szwajcarskiej giełdzie SIX (ADEN), z ponad 33 000 pracowników oraz 5100 oddziałami w 60 krajach na całym świecie.
Krzysztof Zajkowski, The Adecco Group, tel.: 691 054 863,
Adam Sanocki, Attention Marketing, tel.: 605 561 861,